Wspieramy Profesjonalistów Mine
Nasz sukces jest Twoim sukcesem! Dlatego Mine postanowiło wesprzeć profesjonalistów z całego świata swoimi narzędziami marketingowymi, aby pomóc im się rozwijać.
Odkryj zniżki na produkty do sprzedaży detalicznej dla salonów, a także cyfrowe oraz przeznaczone do druku materiały marketingowe — wszystko to jest dostępne dla Profesjonalistów Mine w naszym Centrum Zasobów.
Salon Support Program
In light of the drastic impact of COVID-19 and the dramatic effect it has had on our Professional Partners like yourself, Mine has chosen to support our Professionals in these challenging times.
Managing your bottom line is more critical than ever. It’s never been more important to keep your costs down and as low as possible, which is why Mine created the Salon Support Program, implementing several phases in several different countries that are struggling in these difficult times. Mine has developed a Website Salon Finder and offered multiple discounts on professional products for long periods of time.
Partner with Mine Professional to benefit from these phases when they become available and let’s start rebuilding together.
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